Dungannon to Omagh 70km

Morning breaks sunny and cold with the promise of some nice sunshine for the day. Im first up to the kitchen and watch Brian out in the fields tending his sheep. Looks idyllic.
Mary comes and prepares a hearty breakfast of beef sausages, vegetable roll, free range eggs and lovely bread and toast. A veritable feast.
Then drives us back to Dungannon for the start. Before hairing off to an appointment in Armagh, the opposite direction. The generosity of people!
After a sort out of my kit and bike, its in to the presentation to the students in the assembly hall.
A very moving talk from Bob Carley. Such an inspirational guy with a story to tell. I know he makes a difference.
Soon we are ready to head out and we get a great send off from the students and their teachers. Straight into a climb and a strong headwind.
Its head down and grind out the day. Lunch stop is early today but very welcome nonetheless.
Half Way Round Syndrome I call it. The legs begin to complain about now on the trip. ill have a little TLC tomorrow and that will be sorted.
Some quite vicious short climbs on the road today. lots are struggling on them but most are getting there. Young people have tremendous tenacity. My two young Belfast lads are flying it now. Got repairs done on their bikes (badly needed) and are well set up now. Looking a good bit more sure of themselves.
Its up and down rolling hills till we arrive in Omagh just as then heavens open. In the 5 minutes it took us to get to the college we are soaked through again.
Sort bike! Clean bike ! Hang wet gear on bike! and head in for the HomeStay Hunt!
Sean arrives to collect us . Me and the little lad from West Cork who is doing this on a BMX bike. Carries it in a golf bag!
So thankful to be in a warm car and heading for a lovely house and a hot shower.
Ann and their daughter Ciera, meet us at the house and after a shower we settle down to a lovely tasty dinner.
Internet access! Brilliant! Blog catch up
A lovely evening in front of the telly and bed by 10.


  1. Stick up a photo with you and the two lads from Belfast. Make sure to get the bikes in :)
    Keep on keeping on.

  2. Going good John. The weather hasn’t been too kind but looks like that is set to change over the weekend. Here’s hoping, good luck, stay safe.
    Eileen x


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